Cleaning Brushes with LipstickNick
Cleaning Brushes with LipstickNick
LipstickNick, Morphe's Director of Global Artistry, gives a quick how-to on how to get your Morphe brushes clean and in shape foreva-evaaaa.
hey guys it's lipstick Nick here and today we're gonna go over brush cleaning 101 we recommend that you wash your brushes weekly to maintain the performance and lifespan of your brush dirty brushes are a breeding ground for bacteria which could lead to breakouts a clean and well-maintained brush will give you the best makeup application alright guys let's do this step one we're gonna soak our brushes in warm water you're gonna submerge the belly of the brush avoiding the ferrule because this could reduce the lifespan of your brush step to swirl three times in the cleansing balm to build a good lather step 3 place the agitator in your palm or the lid of the container and swirl as you rinse continue until the water runs clean and you see no more product coming out of the brush pro tip if you're cleaning a brush that you normally use for cream or liquids fan out the bristles to check inside to make sure there's no hidden product step 4 swirl or pop the bristles on a dry towel to get rid of any excess moisture step 5 this step is super important reshaping is the key to maintaining the performance of the brush if a brush is tapered you're going to shape it to a point if it's a fan brush you're gonna fan it out and if it's a powder brush you're gonna shape it and fluff and that's it step 6 now that you're done washing you're gonna lay your brushes on a flat surface over the counters edge so the bristles dry quicker alright guys and that's it your brushes are now clean they're drying and they'll be ready to use in the morning [Music]
hey guys it's lipstick Nick here and today we're gonna go over brush cleaning 101 we recommend that you wash your brushes weekly to maintain the performance and lifespan of your brush dirty brushes are a breeding ground for bacteria which could lead to breakouts a clean and well-maintained brush will give you the best makeup application alright guys let's do this step one we're gonna soak our brushes in warm water you're gonna submerge the belly of the brush avoiding the ferrule because this could reduce the lifespan of your brush step to swirl three times in the cleansing balm to build a good lather step 3 place the agitator in your palm or the lid of the container and swirl as you rinse continue until the water runs clean and you see no more product coming out of the brush pro tip if you're cleaning a brush that you normally use for cream or liquids fan out the bristles to check inside to make sure there's no hidden product step 4 swirl or pop the bristles on a dry towel to get rid of any excess moisture step 5 this step is super important reshaping is the key to maintaining the performance of the brush if a brush is tapered you're going to shape it to a point if it's a fan brush you're gonna fan it out and if it's a powder brush you're gonna shape it and fluff and that's it step 6 now that you're done washing you're gonna lay your brushes on a flat surface over the counters edge so the bristles dry quicker alright guys and that's it your brushes are now clean they're drying and they'll be ready to use in the morning [Music]